Award-Winning Hair Salon in Madison, Wisconsin

You Are Worthy!

You Are Worthy

Have you ever looked in the mirror and had hateful and/or hurtful thoughts about your reflection? Have you caught yourself wasting time stalking supermodels on Instagram and felt bad about not looking like they do? I bet we have all struggled with self-confidence at some point!

What if I told you that someone admires you? Believe it or not, they want what you have! Have you heard people say, there will always be someone out there who is better, faster stronger & smarter? Of course this is true. So, why do we fall into the comparison trap? Why do we beat ourselves up?

The truth is, perfection is a myth. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, how do we gain the self-confidence to believe we are enough? How do we believe we are worthy?

We believe it’s in the power of displacement. We must focus on overfilling our personal love cup with positive thoughts and reinforcements!

One easy way to start is by writing yourself one loving message each day. An example is, “Brynna, you are smart, beautiful and gifted. You always see the good in others. These are among the many traits I adore about you.”

Vision Board

You could write in a journal, or you can write your message on a post-it note. A journal is special because it can be placed somewhere safe for only you. A post-it note is great because you can put this anywhere you’d want to see it throughout the day.

If we overflow the good, eventually the negative thoughts that are destroying our joy will be overrun. You are worthy! And you are bold, beautiful & inspired.


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