Award-Winning Hair Salon in Madison, Wisconsin

Victoria Visits DevaCurl in New York City!

Victoria received this year’s MVP honor by her team to go to NYC to the DevaCurl Academy where she earned her new advanced level 2 certification!

She loved being in the big city, and as you can imagine, she made friends and had friendly conversations everywhere she went.

When she came back she was so jazzed to tell the team in her words, “you guys, we get it.”  Being at DevaCurl affirmed that we are doing the very best techniques and offering the very best care for our curly community. She was even assisting other students when she was there! Couldn’t you just see her? Ah, we love it.

The most impactful part of her trip was watching DevaCurl’s mission video where they shared multiple examples of people whose lives have been changed because of DevaCurl products and haircutting methods. Victoria was bawling hearing their stories, and it reminded her why coming to Be Inspired Salon is more than a haircut or hair color.

Victoria plans to visit again, and in the meantime she continues to encourage and support her teammates in order to equip them to empower others.

We love Victoria as much as you do and we couldn’t wait to share her experience with you!