Award-Winning Hair Salon in Madison, Wisconsin

How Much Are Hair Extensions?

At Be Inspired Salon we offer tape-in hair extensions by EasiHair Pro because the quality of the hair is the very best available worldwide. EasiHair Pro uses all Remy hair with the cuticle intact. This means the hair follicle is all laying the same direction and the cuticle has not been compromised. This is super important because if the hair isn’t Remy, it can cause breakage, tangles, and damage. That was one of our number one goals in finding the best hair extension brand to work with.

If you ask any of our guests how they feel about their hair, they will all tell you it feels practically weightless! Which is why this brand has been endorsed by the American Hair Loss Association!

Now that you know why our quality of hair is so amazing, let’s talk investment.

Your hair extensions investment will be separate from the cost of installation, removals, and reinstallations. In other words, you’ll always pay for your hair separately from your services. The cost of hair will depend on the length and look you’re wanting to achieve. This can range between $350-$175. But the cost may increase as the years go on and cost of goods increase. The best path is to visit our hair extension services page to see the most current pricing.

The investment of services will also depend on your length and look that you’d like to achieve and that would vary between $225-$800 or more. Tape-in hair extensions are still the most cost-effective approach to take verses any other semi-permanent hair installation.

Here are examples of the looks we offer!

How Much Are Hair Extensions Be Inspired Salon Madison WI

Are you ready to begin the conversation about your hair extension journey? Great! Please connect with our guest services team to set up your initial hair extension consultation. 608-271-2771