Award-Winning Hair Salon in Madison, Wisconsin

Fix Your Foundation

Does your foundation look streaky?  Do you have unexplained breakouts?  The culprit could be you!  If you’re using your fingers to apply your foundation, the likelihood of even results are slim.  You carry a lot of bacteria on your hands which could constitute your unwanted uprisings.


Use a round-tip foundation brush. We recommend Youngblood’s Liquid Foundation Brush.


Try this: Place two pea sized dots of your foundation on a hand mirror.  Rub dot one across the mirror with your fingers.  Glide the second dot across the mirror with your round-tip foundation brush. You will see that the round-tip foundation brush offers even coverage! And because of this, you will use less product in the long run.  Your foundation brush will have served as a great investment.

liquid flower

FINAL TIP: Wash your foundation brush (bristles pointing down so water doesn’t absorb into the handle) once a month with an antibacterial and non-abrasive cleanser.  We recommend Surface Hair Purify Shampoo.