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Discover Your Purpose

Do you have many areas of interest in life? So many things you’re passionate about? We live in a world with endless options and more opportunities available than ever before. How then, are we to identify our purpose? Our calling?

I’m Kati Whitledge, the founder of Be Inspired Salon. Welcome back to the Be Inspired Blog, where our goal is to inspire, inform, and include you.

Ask the Right Questions

Oftentimes we sit and think about what life could look like. We imagine our future. However, today I’d like to propose a different path in discovering your personal purpose. It’s all about asking yourself new questions–the right questions–relevant to who and where you are today.

Here are purpose-driven questions that are incredibly insightful. I recommend taking an hour to journal whatever comes to your mind when you go through them.


What are the activities, events, people, or tasks that you feel a high level of energy? It wouldn’t matter if you didn’t sleep great the night before because when you begin these activities, you feel ready to rock! What is that for you? 

One area of energy for me is, podcasting. After producing 400 episodes through Beyond The Technique, I realized that this job was truly a talent that I naturally have. It just comes easy. It doesn’t matter what is happening in life or business–when I jump on a recording, I’m entering into a new world. I turn on and get lit! A natural high of course 😉


On the flip side of that coin, what are the activities, events, people, or tasks that upon exposure, you’re drained? Contrary, to the above, you may have had an awesome night’s sleep but after these experiences, you feel you need to recover or rest. My encouragement here is to accept yourself. Sometimes when we realize an area that drains us, we might feel guilty.

For example, my husband and I collab on providing all the healthy meals we eat. But I’m not the mom who loves to be in the kitchen. I struggle with timing, following recipes with multiple steps, and have never loved spending that much time to create something we enjoy for 30 minutes. Now, I have friends and family who are very opposite from me and I truly admire and enjoy the fruits of their labor. It’s just not for me and that’s not something to feel bad about. I’m not a bad mom or wife for not having this passion. Whatever you discover in answering this question, give yourself grace 🙂 


We all have unique values! I did a values exercise with my life coach and it was very challenging to choose my core values out of hundreds of options! But eventually, I narrowed it down. It took time–weeks–to have the awareness to recognize my natural tendencies. For example, one of my top values is lifelong learning. There are decisions I’ll make just for the opportunity to learn, regardless of other potential outcomes. Usually this is awesome, but sometimes it could be costly in my family time, energy, or investment. Super important to know about ourselves 🙂 What is important to you?


Have you ever noticed the recurring theme of requests others ask you? It’s so interesting and revealing! It might be worth keeping a little notebook nearby and every time a co-worker, family member, or friend asks you question, jot it down. I suspect you will see similarities! It’s even cooler to see more than one major category. For example, you might notice the majority of questions are related to problem-solving tech struggles. But, you might also notice that you’re often asked how you manage your relationships. What you’re discovering is how others view your gifts, talents, and admirable characteristics.


Once you’ve taken time to think through these purpose-driven questions, you’ll have so much awareness! But you won’t have one definitive path. What I mean is, you won’t clearly see that you’re meant to be a pediatrician. Rather, you may have multiple Lego pieces that have an incredible capability of being put together in many ways. They all lead to fulfillment and how you can serve the world as the best version of yourself!

Instead of coming to a one-route conclusion, like being a pediatrician, you’d realize you’re meant to work with children. You’re meant to care for them in a special way. You care about your own health and that often translates into caring for the health of others. You’re highly analytical and you love time to process how to help others. And when you do, you do so in a very systemic process. Because being in what feels like chaotic environments, may not be a great fit for you. So you realize you’re not leaning toward an environment with a lack of control. Maybe you decide to go a clinical route, or a research route, but you come to these conclusions and many paths will be thrilling to participate in.

Once you see what drives you, energizes you, elevates you, and also what drains you, you can begin to craft your time, standards, boundaries, and lifestyle to your individual gifts.

Here’s to the current and upcoming chapters of your unique story–your unique life!

Until next time,

Be Inspired